Become a Member

At AGA, we strive to maintain a meaningful and warm relationship with our vibrant and diverse community at all times.

Becoming a member of AGA can strengthen your connection with our organisation and will ensure that our aims and objectives continue to be guided by the community. As a member of AGA, you will receive:

  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
  • Ability to stand for election to AGA’s Board
  • Invitations to all our fun and exciting events and activities
  • Information about upcoming workshops and educational trainings
  • Updates on the work of AGA


Service Users: Membership Fee

We ask for a nominal financial contribution from our service user members in the form of a $5 membership fee to be paid annually. Membership fees contribute to funding the important services we provide to intersex, trans and gender diverse people in our community.

As a fee-paying member you will have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting, giving you the opportunity to contribute to the future direction of the organisation and to ensure AGA continues to reflect the priorities of our community.

If you are experiencing financial stress, please contact AGA and we can waive the membership fee.


Affiliate Membership

Under the constitution of A Gender Agenda, affiliate memberships are approved by the board of the organisation. Affiliate members are those who support our vision and goals, and wish to support this without the benefits and responsibilities of full membership. Affiliate members do not have voting rights with the organisation, and are unable to fill board positions. Individuals within affiliate organisations are able to separately join as individual full members should they meet the criteria for full membership.

There are different categories of affiliate membership. These are:

  • Education/Community Sector/Professional (Individual Affiliate)
  • Education/Community Sector Organisation Affiliate
  • Professional Organisation

Affiliate membership with AGA, in addition to financially contributing to our goals and mission, will provide members with incentives. These include:

  • Access to all resources
  • Inclusion in member newsletters and mailouts
  • Member discounts to ticketed events
  • Resources tailored to support your professional practice or organisation
  • Poster pack to demonstrate your inclusion
  • Discounted merchandise, training, fee-for-service consultancy/advocacy work
  • Inclusion of your logo or name on our members page

To become an affiliate member, please complete the membership form on this page. The board will then review your application and will send you a membership fee invoice.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member!

Membership Form

Note: this is a secure website using an SSL certificate. Your data will be encrypted when sent to us via this form.